Faint do not always weaken heart
Have Your moment stand up to follow ceremony in field or is attending formal reception, ad for felt heart palpitate, him of boisterous heart, caught up by of head feel light and also body weaken, cool sweat, view have firefly to and last dark finally keeled
Cause of occurence like that might possibly because our heart be the matter, but can also because external factor. More than anything else if us don't have history disparity of heart and or heart sickness risk factor and age relative still young. Most insensible cases which not because of disparity of heart ( non-kardik sinkop) according to all experts, more to be hit by vagus hipersensitivitas. Vagus is brain nerve the tenth which is inner organ nerve of body and very have an effect on to heart tick frequency
One of the mirroring of vagus hipersensitivitas known as by vasovagal sinkop ( venous relating to and vagus nervus) and vasodepresif. This happened because incidence of imbalance of refleks otonomous nerve in responding to position stand up the endlessness. Early from tendency gathered by him some of bloods in small channel of vena under earth gravitation effect, this matter cause the amount of bloods which return to heart decrease so that pour to heart and also the blood pressure of downhill him. To overcome the degradation, automatic arise normal compensation refleks, in the form of the have increasing to of frequency and strength of heart kontraksi, with a purpose to return poured to heart to storey initially
At someone which is hipersensitif, increasing of it strength of this kontraksi exactly activate mechanic reseptor which is on left ventricle wall so that arise named by refleks is Bezold-Jarisch refleks ( by name his inventor). His effect, heart tick frequency return to become tardyly, vein of wide edge, and then happened low blood pressure ( hipotensi) so that blood stream to nerve formation annoyed. In here of sinkop happened
But to determine to be diagnosed, in general doctor suggest inspection of test tilt, where result of test can be used as by further inspection reference when needed.