Some trix following will assist You in order not to smoke
You ready?
Specifying correct moment to You to alter environment !
Removing all ashtray and cigarettes at home, Your workplace and car !
Don't let people smoke at home You !
Study last effort of You to desist to smoke, what make to succeed and do not !
Once You desist, don't smoke again even if only one inhaling !
Choose precise way !
Coming to a full stop, you smoke as usual until one day before date of desisting, and the date drop it is at all.
Desisting little by little the amount of sipped cigarettes every day until nothing like which sipped on desisting to smoke. Don't more than one week to the way of this, because success possibility become smaller if the time of llama.
Program discharge habit smoke. Join with organization or group which can assist You with discussion, video, and conseling of role-play. Way anything which You choose, confirming the spirit of to always to try desisted smoked.
Support searching !!
Informing Family, friend, friend work that You is trying to desist to smoke and wish to obtain their support
Ask they in order not to smoke or put cigarette around You !
Consult with hygienist !
Study new habit and membership !
Call away the attention from desire to smoke, for example chated, take the air or make self business with duties
When first time desist to smoke, alter routine matter. For example changing path go to workplace, drink tea, milk, white water, or juice instead of coffee, breakfast at place differ
Do something to lessen stress, like have athletics to or read book. Planning pleasant matter to be done every day !
Getting correct drug and obey its use !
Consulted with or doctor of conseling concerning drug what is compatible.
There is various drug type which can be exploited to assist You desist smoked permanently. Pregnant woman and suckle, woman which wish pregnancy, adolescent have age to under 18 year, smoker which smoking less 10 bar one day or was experiencing medication, better take counsel with doctor before using drug.
Make provision against addictive or ugly situation
-. Addictive symptom [of] habit happened [at] 3 kalends since desisting to smoke. Don't follow desire to smoke again
. Mostly people trying to desist smoked experienced of a period to difficult like this and happened repeatedly, before finally they really success come to a full stop. Healthy Trying Even Smoke !
-. Accustoming to sport or elaborate selected hobby with friend or family which is nonsmoker. regular Athletic during 30 minute one day very the necessary for smoker, because giving opportunity for body to get oxygen sufficiently. Important note, don't smoke to dive athletics
-. Don't smoke at the same time drink coffee. Obstetrical of caffeine can improve rate of CO2 in lung. You earn the changing of with beverage able to brought by poison cleaned is cigarette, like juice of fruit fresh or milk
-. If habit smoke finished eat, you Can change dined or fruit of eat light food as cleaning mouth
. And so do alternatively to obviate habit smoke at the same time throw away intention, can be tried the by changing of read book, comic, newspaper, tabloid or any of hobby reading. Besides do not make toilet smell hobby smoke. Besides do not make toilet smell cigarette smoke, of course read much more useful
. Try to think momentary before cigarette bark, felt life about more without cigarette even if.